My Pages

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

OMGoodness! I guess it's been a while since I've blogged. I knew this would happen...sorry. And then to add insult to injury I've succumbed to peer pressure once again and some friends from church talked me into a Facebook profile! Dude, seriously?! Now I spend all my free time (and time I should be doing other things...who am I foolin?) putting "flair" on my freakin' "corkboard". I did get to IM on Facebook with my step daughter last night. Always fun chatting with her. She's so funny - she thinks it's amazing I'm on Facebook now. Dude, seriously?! I'm not that old!!! So now between Facebook and this blog I have all sorts of things I can wittle away my time with...LOL!

And now onto some digi scrapping business! Yippee! Here's a heads up for ya...CanDesigns has an incredible offer for Black Friday (actually Thanksgiving Day through Sunday) is her entire store for only $50 - Love it! Check it out here at SAS!

Anyway, with Thanksgiving coming I would like to wish each and every one of you and your families and Happy Thanksgiving! And remember...You can't be Grateful and Negative at the same time!

Enjoy and God Bless,


Jan said...

You've been tagged! Head on over to
to see what it's all about!

MemoryKeeper said...

OMg (little g for goodness) I miss you! You haven't blogged in FOREVER! You better get busy girl!

Here's to more happy scrapping, and
(¨`•.•´¨) Hugs
.`•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) from the
(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ HEART,
.`•.¸.•´ Jeanette

Scrapping is a work of heART!

Want to learn to scrap your blog?

MemoryKeeper said...

Hey it's been almost a year...would love to hear from you!

Hugs from the heart,